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Katherine's Dabblings

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Jeans Bag

Have seen tutorials for upcycling jeans into bags and thought I'd give it a go.

Have really really struggled with the lining but I'm NOT doing it yet again. Lol.

Am pleased overall with it though.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

A Canvas Clock

Or rather a canvas with a clock on it.  Lol.

A friend saw some paper/fabric on a craft stall so we decided we'd have a go ourselves.  It's jam pot muslin covered with pva and then has tissue paper worked onto it so it can be as smooth or as textured as you like.  Coloured with colour washes and spritzed with some glimmer mists.

My smooth piece I decided to use as a background on a canvas and then bits and bobs added.  There are three squares which are faux carnival glass.  One worked better than the others but seeing as though I'd made them, they were going on!  Lol.